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Thursday, November 18, 2004

What is the general opinion of the troops with whom you serve on the video of the Marine shooting the Iraqi guy?
Here are some bullets I wrote down:

"You know if they let him go, he'd come back to kill more Americans."

"What's with this capturing bulls****? Kill them and end it right there."

On hearing about the investigation:
"Why can’t people just move on?"

"They’d kill us if they had the chance."

"He should have said, 'He has a weapon,' and then shot him."

"That’s why they shouldn’t have embedded reporters."

Soldier 1: "Now if they handcuffed them, lined them up, and then shot them in the back of the head; that would be wrong."
Soldier 2: "Why? Why would that be wrong?"

Colin: "Are you surprised at what Soldiers believe is acceptable conduct?"
Bird of a Feather: "I wasn’t until now."

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