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Friday, November 26, 2004

Fahrenhype 9/11
GQ, our company’s Iraqi interpreter, gave everyone in our barracks a copy of this movie which sets the record straight.

In the film, there is an interview of Soldier who lost parts of each arm in an accident in which another Soldier was killed. What’s not mentioned in this critique, but may have been in the original movie, is that the death and dismemberment were caused by improperly inflating a split rim tire. Now, I’m not a mechanic, but “60 Minutes” did a story on this hazard twenty years ago. I think it may have focused on a father and son team; again, one killed, one dismembered. Sure, there may not have been an inflation cage in the field, but remote inflation would have been easy. There no excuse for that Soldier to have lost his arms and his buddy to have lost his life. Part of being an indentured servant of the government is not being able to sue, but his family sure can.

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