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Sunday, October 24, 2004

Questions from a Reader
Q What's your take on the whole war?
A I think we are doing a good job in general, but, as you know, winning the peace is much harder than winning a war. We are trying to finesse it a bit too much.

Q You seem to come out pro-Bush and pro-war in your blog - is this assumption correct?
A Yes, I voted for President Bush and I think our being here is a good idea.

Q I have seen many photos and looked for M-16's but what are those small guns with the telescoping-looking stock? It looks almost like the Colt Commando - i.e. 5.56 NATO, but the stock and handgrip looks different as well as the flash-hider on the barrel. Or is it an M-16 variant? It seems to have a separate gas tube below the barrel that on the M-16 is above the barrel?

A Those are M-4's there are an M-16 variant as you suggest. The receiver is all the same; the gas tube is in the same place, just shorter.

Q What rifles do you guys carry?
A We carry the M-4, the M-16 w/ M203 grenade launcher, and the M249 SAW.

Q: [The SAW is the] Squad Automatic Weapon, right? It looks a -lot- like the Belgian FN 5.56 "Minimi" - is this correct or is it an indigenous American developed weapon?

A: Yes, it's the Belgian design, though it might be made in the US. I had a SAW, which I found deceptively heavy, for a while but traded it in for an M4. Having one machine gun, the .50, is enough for me.

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