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Monday, July 12, 2004

There is No Backdoor Draft
This so called "back door draft" critics talk about is a call up of Soldiers in the reserve, most of whom I’d guess are in the Individual Ready Reserve or IRR. I was in the IRR for almost five years and all the while, I knew that I could be called up. The IRR is made up of Soldiers who are not on active duty or doing the one weekend a month thing, but still have time left on their contract. All initial contracts are for eight years. In the Guard, most Soldiers go 6 x 2, that is 6 years of one weekend a month and two years in the IRR. Many do this so that they can take advantage of college benefits. I already had a degree and went 3 x 5. I would have gone 0 x 8 if the option was available. I figured train me up and give me a call when you need me.

With the Army, like so many other, large, institutions, it’s a numbers game. I volunteered for Operation Enduring Freedom when I was in the IIR. As a medic, I thought for sure they’d take me. I think it was too much trouble for them; maybe if I spoke Farsi, they’d take me, but to pull people out, one at a time, I guess it wasn’t worth it. Now that things are getting tight, it’s worth it.

This criticism of the military and the administration is unwarranted.

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