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Sunday, June 06, 2004

A Story on Where we Are

Leave Has Started
I’m number 13 in our platoon on the priority list for leave which means I’ll probably go in August or September. In some units, I’m told, the lowest ranking gets to block out their leave on the calendar, and then they pass the calendar on to the next guy, etc. Here, they like to keep it simple, the lowest ranking guy goes on leave first and if he doesn’t want to go at the assigned time, his name is placed at the end of the list; and with all the people that need to go on leave, either one uses it when it comes or probably won't go at all.

Updates to Blog
I’m generally a purist. And I’ve wanted to leave entries untouched after making them, but some additional facts or corrections come to light and it is, I think, more important to have an accurate accounting, then a record of “what I knew and felt right then right there”. So, instead of adding new entries like “On March 25, 2004, I reported that the weapon used to kill the wounded Iraqi insurgent was a 25 mm cannon, when it was, in fact, a 30 mm cannon, I regret the error,” I’ll just go back and update it.

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