Monday, March 08, 2004
Invocation at Republican PAC Luncheon
I don't much agree with the political aspect, but my father is president of the PAC, so he can get away with it:
O Lord, please watch over the scores of young men and women who struggle to
keep Iraq safe. Particularly the truly brave who volunteered to serve their
country after the current war with Iraq began. One of those, a young M P named
Colin Judge arrives in Iraq this week carrying a high-impact weapon but
without armored plating for his humvee.
O Lord, give our national leaders the wisdom:
To train and equip our military forces properly before sending them into
To fully understand the calculus of the aftermath of war
To always use an able Secretary of State to negotiate coalitions rather than
making hasty decisions our of frustration.
To spend our human capital on the battlefield with restraint.
Give us, please, people in the corridors of power who are heroes, who have
dynamic intellects, small egos, great patience, and make analytical decisions
rather than visceral ones. Those are the leaders who have made our country
strong. Their counterparts are the ones who weaken it.
I don't much agree with the political aspect, but my father is president of the PAC, so he can get away with it:
O Lord, please watch over the scores of young men and women who struggle to
keep Iraq safe. Particularly the truly brave who volunteered to serve their
country after the current war with Iraq began. One of those, a young M P named
Colin Judge arrives in Iraq this week carrying a high-impact weapon but
without armored plating for his humvee.
O Lord, give our national leaders the wisdom:
To train and equip our military forces properly before sending them into
To fully understand the calculus of the aftermath of war
To always use an able Secretary of State to negotiate coalitions rather than
making hasty decisions our of frustration.
To spend our human capital on the battlefield with restraint.
Give us, please, people in the corridors of power who are heroes, who have
dynamic intellects, small egos, great patience, and make analytical decisions
rather than visceral ones. Those are the leaders who have made our country
strong. Their counterparts are the ones who weaken it.
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