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Wednesday, January 14, 2004

Minutia about a National Guard Soldier's Efforts to Get Deployed
Sounds crazy, huh? As you can guess it's a paper work SNAFU. The Army didn't have my original file in which the Army doctor said my 20 year old elbow injury was OK, so I had to go to the back of the line. I thought I was getting old when the barber offered to trim my eyebrows, but I've found a new standard: the prostate exam.

Colin: But I'm not 40.
PA: Yes, but you might be by the time you get back.

I'm 183/184 out of 182 soldiers going. I'm putting together a top ten reason why I'm a high speed soldier:

Squad leader, Basic Training
Assistant Squad Leader, AIT
Distingiushed Honor Grad, Combat Medic School
Junior Leader of the Cycle, AIT
Two years, doc for light infantry platoon.
Two years with Bethesda Chevy Chase Rescue Squad.
99 on the ASVAB
I can pass the pt test.
I can pass the body fat test.

I want to go. And right now, the only thing worse than going is not going.

I should state that I won't be discussing operations on this blog, just personal experiences.

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